Saturday, July 4, 2020

Books Download Free Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux

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ISBN: 0803283857 (ISBN13: 9780803283855)
Edition Language: English
Books Download Free Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux
Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux Paperback | Pages: 270 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 13211 Users | 673 Reviews

Mention About Books Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux

Title:Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux
Author:Black Elk
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 270 pages
Published:November 1st 2004 by Bison Books (first published August 1988)
Categories:History. Nonfiction. Biography. Religion. Autobiography. Memoir

Description During Books Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux

Bu kitapta, Kızılderili büyücü şaman, Oglala Siyuları'nın kutsal adamı İri Boynuzlu Kara Geyik'in John G. Neihardt'a anlattığı ruhsal gezintileri, tecrübeleri, anıları yer alıyor "Soylu At sürünerek içeri girdiğinde, sinirleri çok gergin olduğundan hızla atan kalbini duyabiliyordu; kalbinin hızla atması, içerideki yaşlı insanlan uyandıracaktı sanki. Ama korktuğu olmadı ve bir süre sonra sınmlan kesmeye başladı. Kestiği her sırım 'pat' diye ses çıkarıyor ve o da ölecekmiş gibi oluyordu. Ama işi de iyi gidiyordu. Kızın kalçalannm geçebileceği genişlikteki bütün smmlar kesilmişti. Sinirleri iyice gerildiği bir sırada bıçağı kaydı ve kıza saplandı. Büyük, tiz bir feryat kopardı kız... ... 0 zamanlar bunun ne kadannm bittiğini bilmiyordum. Şimdilerde, ihtiyarlık yaşımın şu yüksek tepesinden geriye dönüp baktığımda, kuru derenin eğri büğrü yamaçlarında, etrafa dağılmış, kesilip biçilmiş bir sürü çocuğu ve kadını, genç gözlerimle görmüş olduğum zamanlardaki kadar net olarak hâlâ görebilmekteyim. Ve orada, kanlı çamurlar içinde daha başka bir şeylerin de ölmüş olduğunu ve şiddetli yağan karlar altında gömülü kaldığını görebilmekteyim ben şimdi. Bir milletin rüyası can vermiş bulunuyor orada. Ama güzel bir rüyaydı o..."

Rating About Books Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux
Ratings: 4.14 From 13211 Users | 673 Reviews

Write Up About Books Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux
Black Elks was an atypical member of the Sioux Nation, due in large part to his youthful visions and eventual emergence as a Sioux Medicine man with prophetic and healing powers. His remarkable experiences provide a deep insight into the Sioux relationship with nature. By the time John Nehring, author of Black Elk Speaks, interviews Black Elk, he is near the end of his life. Black Elk is risking much in revealing the sacred details of his life story to a white man, but feels it necessary in

This was my third time reading this book, and every time I come away with something new. I highly recommend this to anyone studying religion. I highly recommend this book to every single American citizen. It should be required reading in public schools. The Lakota people have a vibrant, exciting, living religious tradition, and the fact that Black Elk's story was recorded is a gem and a blessing. Not only is it because of the religious tradition is this book important. It is also important

At the Pine Ridge Reservation, Black Elk tells his story of the world and the Native American experiences as seen through his eyes. American history from a Native American viewpoint.

The life story of Black Elk, a Lakota healer, during the Indian Wars of 1860-1890. Black Elk grew up in the thick of it all, constantly moving away from the Wasichus with his people, watching his land disappear, and having visions about how he could help the people save their way of life. He had a pretty interesting life: he joined up with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show for a few years, he was involved in several battles, and he was at the massacre at Wounded Knee all before he was thirty. The

At first glance, this is an interesting book, though personally not particularly my favorite topic. But if you look further into the book, there are just too many discrepancies between Black Elk's life and the story that is written. In writing a life-history it is very important to take into consideration the producer (Neihardt) and the process, in order to understand the product. Neihardt sought Black Elk because Neihardt was writing an epic poem, and he needed to talk to an old spiritual

John Heihardt's classic is a problematic read to be sure. On the one hand, Neihardt was a sympathetic interlocutor who elicited a fascinating account from an extraordinary man who lived through several major episodes in late-19th-century history. On the other hand, his poetic pretensions led him to rearrange and dress up that testimony, adorning it with his own mediocre neo-Romantic insight, and altogether distorting the historical and cultural record. Readers of Black Elk Speaks may be

This book has been on my wish list for several years. I finally checked it out of the library. Ive long been fascinated by the metaphor, imagery, and poetry of Native American myth and legend. Thats why I wanted to read this book, but I also believe we Americans have a responsibility to honor and listen to the heritage of the people we exterminated. History is reported through the eyes of the victors, who discount the cost to the other side.This is obviously a brutal, violent, and grim story.


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