Monday, August 3, 2020

Download Free Audio مديح الكراهية Books

Be Specific About Books To مديح الكراهية

Original Title: مديح الكراهية ISBN13 9789953890333
Edition Language: Arabic
Literary Awards: Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee for Longlist (2013), الجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية (أي باف) / International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) Nominee (2008)
Download Free Audio مديح الكراهية  Books
مديح الكراهية Paperback | Pages: 421 pages
Rating: 3.55 | 1369 Users | 247 Reviews

Declare Based On Books مديح الكراهية

Title:مديح الكراهية
Author:Khaled Khalifa
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:3rd edition
Pages:Pages: 421 pages
Published:2010 by دار الآداب - بيروت (first published 2006)
Categories:Fiction. Novels. Historical. Historical Fiction

Interpretation Supposing Books مديح الكراهية

تقتحم هذه الرواية حقبةً من تاريخ سوريا وتعيد طرح الأسئلة الحارقة عن الصراع بين الأصوليين والسلطة- وهي حقبة كادت تقضي بها ثقافة الكراهية على الأخضر واليابس.
تقود الرواية القرّاء من مدينة حلب الآسرة وعوالم نسائها وحياتهنّ السريّة إلى أفغانستان، مروراً بالرياض وعدن ولندن وأمكنة أخرى، لتنسج تفاصيل لا شك أنّها ستترك روائحها ودمَها وكراهيتَها، كما ستترك رغبةَ الحب، والدهشةَ، في أرواح قرّاء هذا الكتاب

تمكن خالد خليفة في هذه الرواية من سرد تجربة القمع المزدوج في ظل التنظيمات الاصولية وداخل مجتمع محروم من الديموقراطية، من خلال لغة متعددة المستويات، وشخصيات ممزقة أمام اسئلة المستقبل

و أعلنت هيئة التحكيم للجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية في دورتها الأولى لعام 2008 لائحة المرشحين الستة لنيل هذه الجائزة, وتم اختيار الكاتب والروائي السوري خالد خليفة عن روايته "مديح الكراهية

Rating Based On Books مديح الكراهية
Ratings: 3.55 From 1369 Users | 247 Reviews

Assess Based On Books مديح الكراهية
This is a book that seems more interesting in the abstract. It seems more interesting now that I've finished reading it than I did while reading it. I really felt tugged apart while reading it: I could describe this book as both fascinating and tedious. I don't know whether it just doesn't translate well or whether the style and content are simply at odds with the structure and layout of standard Western novels. It struck me at times as similar to an old-fashioned novel with an omniscient

Good insight into the hatred that conservative Muslims have for other religious sects. The boring narrative was tedious at best.

This book was banned in Syria because it's about Syria's deadliest civil war. Syria is trying to get rid of the black people so they tend to kill everybody in their country, so a girl stood up for that and risk her life protesting with her family.But most of her family members got shot and died by the soldiers, will she risk her life and save Syria? Got to read to find out!

When I read fiction from the Middle East, I often find myself wondering why there's not more of it on the A Level syllabus. This is stated a lot these days, but our world is becoming more divided, with different cultures become more inward-facing, a mirror image of populism in the US and the UK. In those sorts of atmospheres, getting inside other cultures is essential (especially when considering representation in media and approaches to literature). And books like Khaled Khalifa's 'In Praise of

Khalifa creates a powerful narrative with an extremely fascinating protagonist. Banned in Syria after it was published in Beirut, my curiosity was instantly ignited. "Banned" always captures my attention and given my inquisitive nature I HAD to read this intriguing novel. Our narrator is a nameless young girl. She resides with her aunts and finds herself drifting away from her family. Visiting her parents and family out of duty as opposed to emotional appeal. Her story is gritty, dark and

This novel tells the story of a young girl in Syria in the 1980s, and her gradual descent into extremism. The book is well-written, although I thought that by using a very young narrator, the author avoided some issues that he could have discussed in more detail. Also, the book had many characters, and I thought that focusing on a smaller number of characters but developing them more would have been better. I thought that the afterward to the book would have been better as a preface, as it set

This book would be a great place to start to learn about the origins of the Syrian crisis and how a young Muslim would become radicalised. The narrator is a young girl who is moved into her aunts household at a time when the minority government massacres sunni civilians and prisoners. Her confusion over sexuality and family leads her to fundamentalism , arrest and torture. It's an interesting read but the style, a constant stream of narrative which branches of at times is hard going, but on

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